Want to check results of Lok Sabha elections 2024? if so, then here you will find out which party is winning and who will represent the people in the 18th Lok Sabha.
The most reliable source for checking the results is the Election Commission of India (ECI) website.
- Go ECI official website: www.eci.gov.in.
- Click on the menu at the top left corner of the page.
- Check ‘Election Results’ option under the ‘Election Management’ and click on it.
- You will be redirected to the results page: https://results.eci.gov.in/AcResultByeJan2024/index.htm
This page provide you with detailed, state-wise election results.
You can also watch the election results live on various TV news channels. Also, most news channels offer live streaming on their YouTube channels, so you can watch from anywhere.