At Monday’s Lok Sabha session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi aimed hard at the Congress party. As part of his criticism of the Congress’s “cancel culture,” Prime Minister Modi said that Jawaharlal Nehru was to blame for the decline of the Indian work ethic. After India gained its independence, Nehru served as prime minister.
In response to the president’s “Motion of Thanks” during his address, Prime Minister Modi made the following statement. According to him, Nehru “considered Indians lazy and less intelligent” compared to people from other nations in his 1959 Red Fort address.
The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, recently addressed the widespread perception that people from his country do not put in the same amount of effort as their peers in the West.
“It means that Nehru ji thought that Indians were lazy and less intelligent,” he continued, cutting off the Congress MPs who were yelling their chants. Working hard is not something that people in India have a history of doing. Some people develop these routines for no apparent cause. But the fact remains that we are much less dedicated than the Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, or Russians. The advancement of a country is not due to magic but to education and hard work, according to Jawaharlal Nehru’s 1959 Independence Day speech.
A belief that Indians are inherently “lazy” was held even by Indira Gandhi, according to Prime Minister Modi’s remarks on Monday.
In 1974, Indira Gandhi spoke out against what she called a “defeatist attitude” and a “complacent” populace in India. In the face of hardship, we surrender. It may seem like the whole nation is downcast at times, but ex-prime minister Indira Gandhi warned that giving up won’t make things better.
“It considered itself rulers and the public as someone lesser, someone smaller,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Monday, contrasting the Congress and its leaders, who “did not trust” the Indian people’s potential to its members at all.
In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Modi referenced two Red Fort addresses, one by Indira Gandhi and the other by Jawaharlal Nehru. Prime Minister Modi cited a statement by Nehru made at India’s 1959 Independence Day speech, in which Nehru said, “Indians generally do not have the habit of working very hard, we do not work as much as the people of Europe, Japan, China, Russia, or America.” Based on this remark, Nehru clearly believed that Indians were less intelligent and driven than people from other nations.
The prime minister made a point of mentioning Indira Gandhi’s 1974 speech in which she criticized the widespread defeatism and complacency in India. Indira Gandhi expressed her concerns by saying that when things become rough, people lose hope and when things are nearly over, they grow comfortable. Given the present state of affairs inside the Congress party, Prime Minister Modi expressed his belief that Indira was accurate about them, although he may have different opinions on the Indian people generally.