News Desk – A nine-year-old girl from India, Shreyovi Mehta, took an amazing photo that won her a prize in a big photography contest in London. Shreyovi, who goes to school in Faridabad near Delhi, was walking with her parents in a park in Rajasthan when she took the photo of two beautiful birds, called peahens.
Her photo, called “In the Spotlight,” shows the birds under a tree, looking almost magical. Because of this beautiful photo, she came in second in her age group at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
Shreyovi shared her happiness on Instagram, saying a big thank you to her parents. She also said she wants to keep taking photos, especially of tigers, hoping to win more prizes.
In October, she’ll go to London to get a medal for her photo. Her picture will also be shown in a special exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London starting from October 11.