Work-life balance is the new norm of the corporate and work world. As we welcome the post-pandemic times with more compassion and humanity, business leaders have an added responsibility to take care of their employees as much as they are concerned about the company’s revenue. It is not just one person who comes to the job but his or her whole family who depends on their income and health as well. So, having a good work culture is extremely important for business leaders to retain the top-performing employees in their company. Here are some ways how business leaders can help their employees enjoy work-life balance:
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1) Encourage employees to define their “BALANCE”:
Every employee may have different priorities in their life. Some may want to look after their aged parents while some may want to enjoy family time with their children while some may consider taking part in social causes as a priority after their job. Whatever it is, you need to know your employees’ priorities just as your employees know what are the company’s targets. When you know your employees’ thinking patterns and wishes, that’s when you will be able to introduce new policies that will work for their betterment and welfare.
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2) Lead by setting examples:
If you are someone who spends 14 hours in the office and expects your employees to enjoy a work-life balance then that is never going to happen. You need to help your employees know what is work-life balance by showing how you manage the top position in the company and yet keep all the stakeholders at the company and in your life happy and satisfied. You need to know yourself and also show your employees how you schedule and plan things ahead so that you get enough time for everything. You need to worship your work but in a productive manner and not like a donkey who has nothing to do at home or personal life.
3) Keep activities to refresh and rejuvenate:
Your employees may not complain to you and neither HR will come to you for telling the reasons why some burnout employees left the job. But it is your responsibility to know if your employees really are enjoying the job or consider it a burden that needs to be removed from their heads in no time. Once you keep the communication lines open by introducing some interesting activities in their work life, that’s when they will open up and share their concerns with you directly or indirectly. Know the importance of their work feedback as that goes a long way in having a productive and satisfied team at work.
4) Give a higher purpose in life:
You need to make your employees realize that they will not keep working in the same throughout their lives. They need to upscale themselves on a regular basis, attend seminars or conferences, network with like-minded people in the industry, and also create a portfolio that shows their diverse skills and knowledge. Help them understand their true purpose in life, which is more than just the job.