If you are a newly married couple, you would definitely like to move into a new rental or owned apartment sooner or later. After all, new relationships require better personal space so that the beginning is fresh and authentic. If you are a couple who is planning to enter a new home or probably renovate your existing matrimonial home for good vibes, then here are some tips to give your home sweet home the needed makeover.
Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain ring in first Gudi Padwa as married couple
1) Get a good queen-size or king-size bed:
It is important to get a good night’s sleep and create special memories during the initial months of your marital life. So, don’t go with the old furniture and bed, but get a new cot and bed. The colors of the bedsheets can be of your woman’s choice but ensure that the cot is neither too big nor too small. It should fit in your bedroom well and also give you enough space to move around.
2) Get a makeover to your pooja room:
Spiritual couples usually believe in praying to the Kuldev or Kuldevis of both the families and also the ishta devta or devis of the couple. So, if your partner is going to bring new photo frames or idols of her Gods and Goddesses from her home, ensure to give her that space in your pooja room. You can set up new furniture for the pooja space altogether if you trust that your jodi has been created by God and doing the daily morning pooja rituals will bring peacefulness and calm to the family in the home.
3) Add some plants to your balcony:
If you don’t have a balcony, I am sure you will have little space to add a good plant like Tulsi that promises to give you many health benefits along with protecting the family from negative energies. It is important that you spend a few minutes of your day watering the plants and also helping them grow. This will ensure that your relationship also grows with love and care just like how you should be interested in watering the plants.
4) Get a new wardrobe:
Probably your wife may not be really demanding or dominating in the initial days (if it is an arranged one). She would definitely have her set of items or books or stuff or clothes that she wants to keep in her own cupboard. You can get a new cupboard in your home that is dedicated for you both to store stuff as a couple.
5) Put up a memory wall:
Couples would have many things to share, click and even store to show in their future lives. You can create a memory wall wherein you post important photographs of the first few months of your marriage and eventually keep replacing them with newer ones that you click on on a yearly basis. It is a for the couple to maintain memories with each other and their loved ones and also to look back at the positive moments when things take a wrong turn in life.