Lifestyle Desk – When it comes to skincare, sometimes less is more. Here are five items you should not use to keep your skin happy and healthy:
Kitchen Spices
While it’s tempting to use natural remedies like cinnamon for DIY masks, these kitchen staples can actually cause irritation and burning. Your face isn’t a batch of cookies, so keep the spices for baking!
Hair Spray
Hair spray contains alcohols and lacquers that can dry out your skin and clog your pores. Opt for a setting spray designed for skin instead.
Body Lotion
Although it might be tempting to use the same moisturizer for both, body lotions tend to be thicker and contain fragrances that could potentially irritate facial skin.
Some online hacks advise using deodorant on your face in an effort to control oil and sweat – this should never be done! Deodorants contain ingredients which could potentially lead to breakouts and irritation on your skin.
Old Makeup
Most of us have one or more lipstick or eye shadow we haven’t worn for too long. Unfortunately, old makeup can harbor bacteria, leading to breakouts and skin infections.
Keep in mind, that the skin on your face is delicate and needs gentle products. Treat it well and see the effects in return – your complexion will radiate with healthy glow!