Big Girls Don’t Cry is a coming-of-age school drama set against the backdrop of an all-girls boarding school. The show’s creators released the official trailer for the series on Wednesday. Key roles are played by Avantika Vandanapu, Aneet Padda, Dalai, Vidushi, Lhakyila, Afrah Sayed, Akshita Sood, Pooja Bhatt, Raima Sen, and Zoya Hussain, along with Mukul Chadda. The film is directed by Nitya Mehra, Sudhanshu Saria, Karan Kapadia, and Kopal Naithani. The principal, Pooja Bhatt, is introduced in the teaser with the assertion that the school has influenced the nation and society.
The film provided an inside look at the elite Vandana Valley boarding school, where a group of seven girls are preparing for their senior year and plan to dominate the campus.
Arriving on campus, Kavya Yadav (Vidushi), an outsider, hopes to make friends and succeed in life. While Roohi and JC strive for the success of their beauty parlor, Pluggy has other ambitious plans, and Dia, the rebel poet, gets ready to hop the school wall before the bell rings. Speaking about the reasons behind her decision to accept Big Girls Don’t Cry, Pooja Bhatt states, I accepted the story as I felt drawn to the tale, the context, and the people who were in it. I had always been a rebellious tee, never afraid to speak my mind and challenge authority, so playing Anita Verma was a huge thrill.
This was crucial, in my opinion, since it guaranteed that they would grow up to be wholesome role models for others. These days, when emphasis is primarily placed on frivolous and materialistic virtues, it is desperately needed. Avantika, who played the role of Ludo player in the television series, stated that she considers playing Ludo to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Every time I think back on my time spent on set with my girls and working with amazing women like Nitya Mehra and Ashi Dua, I am filled with gratitude.
Speaking about the experience, Dalai remarked, “The most enigmatic, magical, and enjoyable journey is growing up in sisterhood.” I had a great time reliving my Pluggy experience, and my dream girl gang couldn’t have been more perfect. I have sisters for life because of Big Girls Don’t Cry, and I can’t wait for all of you to go on this crazy journey with us. When Vidushi discussed her role, she said, the genuine motivation behind the creation of this series was what truly got me from the beginning.
Taking on Kavya’s role has been incredibly gratifying and satisfying. Big Girls Don’t Cry is a tribute to the most memorable years of Nitya Mehra’s life, according to the creator and director. It’s a tribute to the young girls who inspire me every day in sisterhood and to my best friends.