Tech Desk – There was news going on that Telegram will soon come up with story features like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Now, it has been rollout but with a twist that everyone needs. The twist is you can edit your stories in Telegram after posting them. Isn’t it cool?
IANS quoted that it is the first app where you can add or remove any element of your story at any time without having to delete and repost it from scratch. Users can see stories in an expandable section at the top of the screen. Telegram has come a long way. It has over 800 million users now.
The feature uses Telegram’s ‘powerful media editor’ that allows users to ‘add text, stickers, and more. Also, users have control over who can see their stories, they can select their story’s visibility.
Users can also hide their stories from specific users. All you have to do is move the user to the ‘Hidden’ list. And the best part is users have the option to make their story visible for 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours.
For unaware, Snapchat was the first platform that introduced the Story feature in 2013.