Signs that show you have a mature boyfriend

LifestyleSigns that show you have a mature boyfriend


Signs that show you have a mature boyfriend

Having a boyfriend in today’s times is quite normal (obviously before marriage). Dating has been accepted as a new norm in the 21st century because it is always important to know everything about the person with whom you would be spending the rest of your life after marriage. Boyfriends are good if they are not jealous, aggressive, and dominating. Many times girls want to see a shadow of their father in their boyfriends or partners because of the way a girl feels safe and loved in a father-daughter relationship, she wants a similar or a better kind of role to be played by her boyfriend after the marriage. Whether your boyfriend is serious about you or not and is quite matured as a partner or not, here are some signs to know the same.

1) He waits for your call:

When your boyfriend calls you and you don’t pick up and later you call him to say that you were with your friends or at important work, he understands the reason and doesn’t shout like crazy about not being available for him when he remembered you.

2) He doesn’t interfere in your everyday matters:

When you say you need privacy to discuss something important with your cousins or your friends, he doesn’t influence you to share with him each and every detail about your relationship with others and moreover, he doesn’t nag you to do a particular thing in the way he wants or likes.

3) He trusts you completely and doesn’t want explanations:

If you don’t call him up for days because you don’t feel like talking to him due to some sort of tension or stress in your life, he doesn’t get possessive or anxious that you have intentions to break up with him. Instead, he just texts you asking if everything is fine and if you need anything that he can be of assistance for.

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