Zeenat Shams
Currently, two words are being searched the most on the Internet worldwide. Covid-19 and Quarantine. People are eager to know about Covid-19 and Quarantine and are collecting information in this regard. People have gained a lot of information about Covid-19 through internet and newspapers, but we will talk here about Quarantine.
When the disease struck the whole world in the form of an epidemic after leaving the city of Wuhan, China, people with Covid-19 heard the word quarantine. The World Health Organization used this obsolete term to spread the corona virus epidemic and advised people to be quarantined first. You know what quarantine is? Quarantine is the 40-day period when people are isolated from the possibility of an infection spreading. You can also call it social and physical distance.
Due to quarantine we are very safe from infection. Along with quarantine, cleanliness is very important to avoid infection. We can protect ourselves from infection by keeping clean. Quarantine makes us a habit of cleanliness.
Do you know where the word quarantine came from? The term was conceived by the Persian scientist “Ibne sina” who was born in Bukhara in 980 CE i.e. 370 Hijri which is now in Uzbekistan. He was very intelligent from childhood and became a doctor at the age of 18. In the west, he was famous as “Avicenna”. “Ibne sina” was the first scientist who first adopted the theory of quarantine in the disease caused by infection. Ibne sina had advised people for 40 days quarantine in such circumstances.
Ibne sina’s famous book “The Canon of Medicine” says that 40 days of quarantine is very important to prevent infection. Ibne sina explained about diseases caused by germs or bacteria, how jaundice and other bacterial infections occur in humans.
Qanun-fit-tibb, written by Ibne sina in Arabic, was translated into Latin in the 12th century, which medical students have been studying since the 17th century. Ibne sina had knowledge of many subjects. He had esoteric knowledge on philosophy, physics, astronomy, chemistry, medical science etc. The Body of Healing is a Scientific and Philosophical Encyclopedia written by Ibne sina.
Ibne sina has written more than 100 books on medicine in her time. Ibne Sana was also known as prince of science.