How To Make Mango Stuffed Kulfi?

We bring a quick and easy kulfi recipe that can be made with only 3 ingredients.


300 Ml full-fat milk 3-4 mangoes 2 tbsp sugar Pista or saffron, for garnishing


Boil the milk till it reduces to half its original quantity. Now, add sugar and pista and allow it to cool completely. Remove the seed of the mango while keeping its shape intact.

Remove the top part of the mango and keep it aside for later use. Gently squeeze the mango and use a knife to loosen the pulp around the seed. Pull it out and keep it upright in a cup or glass.

Fill these mango shells with the prepared kulfi mixture and put the top part of the mango on it. Freeze for 3 to 4 hours, remove the peel, cut it into slices, and serve chilled.

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