Amroha (UP): Fed up with the alleged mental torture by his wife and in-laws, a 25-year-old man committed suicide by consuming some poisonous substance in Amroha district of Uttar Pradesh, the police said on Sunday. Before ending his life, Sajid Ali had made a video clipping of his agony and posted it to his family members and friends. No sooner had Ali’s family members watched the video than they rushed to his house and took him to a hospital where he was declared dead.
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In the video clipping, Ali, a resident of Kalakheda village under Hasanpur police station area, was heard saying that his wife and her family members had threatened to lodge criminal cases against him. The video went viral after he took the extreme step. Because his wife had thrown his parents out of his house, Ali was depressed, the police said. According to Hasanpur station house officer Arvind Kumar Tyagi, the police did not receive any complaint about the incident.