Booking a 3-star, 4-star, or 5-star hotel depends on the budget you have. If you are booking a hotel for you to stay for 3 nights or 5 nights or 7 nights, ensure that the one you are booking is a safer place to stay with good amenities. In order to better your search in terms of finding a good hotel, you can check out the top hotels listed on travel websites like makemytrip, goibibo, etc. This will help you not fall into any other online trap of fraudulent or low-quality service-providing hotels or lodges.
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Here are some tips to make note of before you pay the advance booking amount to a hotel located in your travel destination.
1) Find a hotel that is nearby a railway station or airport:
If you really want to enjoy the tourist attractions of a travel destination, ensure to book a hotel that is nearby either the railway station or airport. Don’t go for hotels that have amazing websites or social media pages because, at times, your expectations will fall flat when you reach the actual hotel and see its interiors. You need to be practical and wise when you book hotels that are either 3-star or 4-star. Your budget shouldn’t be huge because it is just food and night-stay that you will use the hotel and not live there for the whole day.
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2) Don’t pay the whole amount once you check-in:
If you have booked a hotel through a travel website, once you check-in to the hotel, don’t rush to pay the full amount to the officials. You need to be careful with your money and wiser to know whether what you are promised is being delivered or not. If asked for advance payment, you can pay the amount for just one night and tell them that you would like to pay the remaining amount once you check-out. Ensure that the support staff accommodates your requirements for a clean space, rushes to you when called for food or drinking water, and also helps to solve your queries when in need.
3) Check for the background of hotels from others:
Local people are the best to tell you if the hotel where you are going to stay at or have already booked is a good one or not. You can get in touch with your relatives who stay nearby the travel destination or probably check with the auto or bus guy to know if the hotel you are staying in is a safe place or not. If you get any bad reviews from any paanwala shop or grocery shop, it is time to move on from the place where you are staying currently.
4) Never trust the hospitality staff and leave your belongings open:
Every hotel has another standby key. So, if you think you have locked your room and the hotel staff cannot enter and check your room then you are mistaken. You need to keep your valuables and belongings locked and in a cupboard inside the room. You need to give standing instructions to the staff that you will ask them to clean the room at fixed timings and that’s when they should enter the room in your absence.