Netflix Launches Personalised ‘My Netflix’, All Details Are Here!

TechnologyNetflix Launches Personalised ‘My Netflix’, All Details Are Here!


Tech Desk – Netflix has recently launched a personalized tab called ‘My Netflix’. It helps users to stream titles they previously interacted with. This feature is a shortcut that offers space for the user to download, web series, or films that you like. You can save it into My List and also set a reminder for any show you want to watch.

The My Netflix is live on iOS devices and will live on Android in early August.

The My Netflix replaces the Downloads tab to reduce the amount of time needed to browse through Netflix. In the blog post from Netflix, it is said that any ‘trailers you’ve watched’ also appear in the new tab.

The more you tell Netflix what you like it will appear on the My Netflix tab. Isn’t interesting? Netflix always makes sure to offer services which easier to use. It will help them to increase their subscriber base.

Meanwhile, password sharing has been disabled by Netflix. The company said that an account is only meant for use by one household. Because of password sharing, Netflix has to face loss.

Additionally, Netflix reported its Q2 earnings, revealing that amidst the password crackdown, they get nearly 6 million new subscriptions for a total of 238 million subscribers.

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