Amazing things to tell your partner this Diwali

RelationshipAmazing things to tell your partner this Diwali


Diwali is that festive season of the year when there are a lot of lights, fireworks, sweets, and happy faces all around you. You may wonder how come everything turns into a good phase when Diwali comes. But that’s how the festival is, that it brings happiness in people’s lives and transforms them to do something better. Whether you are a new couple or having a long-term relationship or not yet married couple, there are several ways how you can cheer up your partner this Diwali.

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1) Compliment them for their attire:

I am sure your partner must have selected many dresses and also brought them home to wear for different days of the Diwali festival. So, whatever they have chosen for wearing, either ethnic or modern or a combination of both, just compliment their looks. Telling them that they look hot, wonderful, lovely, cute, dashing, rockstar, etc. will make them feel good and also bring positive vibes to your relationship.

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2) Take them to your relatives’ places:

Whether you have hidden your relationship for so long or already people know you both as a couple or not, your partner will just love the idea of visiting your relatives’ places and getting themselves introduced as your spouse or partner. Make Diwali a new start to your relationship if it has been messy or toxic all this while. You can give a new lease to your relationship by also narrating stories to your relatives of how loved and secure you feel when you are with your partner and you cannot imagine any other life partner for yourself.

3) Bring about a change in your talks:

You may be someone who treats your partner like a child or mocks them every now and then as a friend. How about becoming a little mature and treating your partner with due respect and honor? Your partner may feel on cloud nine when you ask them for suggestions or advice while taking important decisions in your life. Your partner may also feel engaged and heard in the relationship as you are treating him or her well than earlier. 

4) Give them what they want:

Your partner may have asked you many materialistic things but have you thought about what are the emotional things that your partner craves in your presence or absence? Well, make this Diwali a memorable one by giving your partner what they want. It can be a hug or an intimate night or an emotionally filled day out with your partner wherein you both simply share quality time with each other and nothing else. Create such wonderful moments with your partner that they feel safe and also satisfy their mind’s cravings or remove the negativity that has arisen due to lack of quality time.

5) Take the next step in your relationship:

Every relationship is unique and so is yours. So, ask your partner what is the next thing you both can do in your relationship. It can be as simple as starting a new bank account together or thinking about supporting a social cause. Whatever it is, just share and do it jointly and see how you help them feel great this Diwali.

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