Following the inauguration of Ram Mandir on Mumbai’s Mira Road, communal violence continued for a second day as tensions between the two groups continued to rise. A video capturing the violence went viral, showing assaults on auto-rickshaws as well as destruction of businesses and cars. Deputy Commissioner of Police Jayant Bajbale initiated an inquiry into this matter after an argument that occurred in the Naya Nagar area prior to the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha.
An independent news agency’s official platform has a video showing violence in Mumbai. The footage showed a mob attacking an auto-rickshaw and other businesses owned by people of different communities in the most recent outbreak of violence at Ram Temple. As per Deputy Commissioner of Police Jayant Bajbale, disputes erupted in the Naya Nagar area on Mira Road due to Hindu community members chanting slogans.
Among the chaos, a victim of the Ram temple assault told TimesNow, “The attackers forced me to chant religious slogans.” Strong warnings from Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to the rioters led to the demolition of “illegal” structures in Mumbai.
Regarding yesterday’s events on Mira Road, I recorded the specifics of what happened at NayaNagar in Mira Bhayender. I maintained continuous communication with Mira Bhayender CP till three and a half hours after sunrise. The police should punish individuals involved to the fullest extent possible. The investigation into the CCTV footage is ongoing in an effort to identify and capture any further persons involved, and thirteen individuals have been arrested thus far. The state would not tolerate anybody who tries to undermine law and order by causing chaos, according to a tweet by Devendra Fadnavis, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra on X (formerly Twitter).
War has resulted in the arrest of thirteen people, and an investigation is now ongoing to find and capture any further persons who may be implicated, as seen on surveillance film.
Nitesh Rane, a member of parliament for the Bharatiya Janata Party, blamed the police for the communal unrest and chastised them for their “inaction” in the matter. The state government’s reputation took a hit, according to Rane, who voiced worries about the safety of the Hindu community due to the police’s inaction.
The Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation sent bulldozers to the Naya Nagar neighborhood in reaction to the occurrences, in order to remove the “illegal” street sellers from the streets. After Devendra Fadnavis threatened demonstrators with harsh punishment, this decisive action was taken.
Following stone-throwing protests, the Maharashtra government sent bulldozers to clean the area around the Ram Mandir Pranpratishtha festivities. Those who want to undermine the stability of the state will not be tolerated, as Fadnavis warned.
The local police have issued a warning against the spread of hate speech on social media. The additional commissioner of police, Shrikant Pathak, has issued a calm appeal and clarified that the probe would just focus on the individuals who have been indicted. In an attempt to find and capture the perpetrators, investigations into the violence have started, with a concentration on surveillance video.