Khandwa (MP): A student of class 12 from Haryana was swept away by the currents of the Narmada river at Omkareshwar temple under Mandhata police station in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh, the police said on Sunday. According to reports, Shaurya Kumar was part of a team comprising 43 students and four teachers. They were from Kurukeshtra Awasiya Vidyalaya and came to Madhya Pradesh for a trip.
According to Mandhata police station in charge Balram Singh Rathore, the incident occurred when the boy ventured deep into the deep water at the time of taking bath and drowned. His body was fished out. A large number of people take a holy dip in the river on Pitramoksha Amavasya. It was observed on Sunday. The district administration prohibited people from bathing in the river which is in spate because of heavy rains and opening of the gates of Omkareshwar dam. Despite that, many people tried to venture into the river.