Sleep Talk Process – The Proven Parent Solution

HealthSleep Talk Process - The Proven Parent Solution


Parenthood is a wonderful journey in life. We, as parents also, keep learning several new concepts about children while inculcating hundreds of good habits and lessons of life in them as well as while rearing our children first to their ages of being a youth and subsequently to their adulthood. While going through this process we keep confronting numerous good or bad experiences. But during every journey; it is quite natural to face such hurdles. Sometimes children fail to adopt new lessons while some children suffer from the trouble of Speech-Delay.

This means children sometimes do not utter even a single word or pronounce any sound whatsoever till becoming two or three years old whereas sometimes a few other children could be suffering from the trouble of autism also. Under such circumstances the parent’s responsibility grows further more and becomes complicated too. It is prefectly normal on the part of the parents to feel a greater degree of pressure because of this.

Moreover, nowadays we are noticing several negative changes taking place among children. Several children feel unnecessarily irritated and they become hostile too quickly. It is often being noticed that children behave with undue stubbornness and they tend to show symptoms of being short-tempered. They don’t hesitate even to throw themselves and weep vociferously. In fact, the list of bad influences being found among children due to excessive use of mobile phones is too big.

I was constantly feeling the need for finding a long lasting solution to this intricate problem. But it is significant to assess the attitudes and tendencies of children also. After undertaking an intensive research about this issue for several years I learnt about the innovative ‘Sleep-Talk’ technique in this regard. It was only in the last year I earned a certification of this technique from Australia and thereafter we have successfully brought about several positive changes in the behaviour patterns of chilldren with an active co-operation of their parents.

Throughout the world, this technique is being deployed to bring about such positive changes in the lives of children for over five decades now. This technique has proved beneficial not only while inculcating a few trivial good work-habits among children but even while addressing other serious ailments like autism or Speech-delay. Several research papers and reports of how this technique has proved useful are already available.

Just like the name indicates, this technique is essentially related with sleep of the child. If the parents consciously speak a few carefully selected sentences while their child is lingering on the brink of being fast asleep then such sentences get deeply ingrained in the mind of the child. Their brain takes a serious note of such sentences, and it starts performing accordingly.

The Sleep-talk trainers call these intentionally selected sentences as ‘Statements’. The Sleep-talk trainers first study the problems of the child and accordingly suggest such ‘Statements’ to the parents of these children. The parents are expected to pronounce these carefully selected sentences every other night when their child goes to sleep. The Sleep-talk trainers introduce new sentences after a preliminary positive change is brought-about effectively. This is how the subsequent stage of reducing the problems confronted by the children is accomplished.

After falling asleep, every human being enters into a phase of deep-sleep. Similarly, before waking up, every human being, comes out of this phase of deep-sleep. These two time ranges are the perfectly ideal time spans for using the ‘Sleep-talk’ technique. Whatever incidents happen in the surrounding areas of children get absorbed deep in the sub conscious mind in the human brain during these two phases of sleeping hours. Therefore, if a few good instructions or lessons are communicated to their brains during these two time spans then the active frequencies in the brains of the child absorb them quickly and their brain starts functioning slowly over them in the due course of time thereafter.

Usually, this range of time begins one hour after a child goes to sleep and two-and-half-hours before it wakes up. It is during this span of time, the parents are required to speak these carefully prescribed statements told by the ‘Sleep-talk’ trainers for two minutes. Slowly, positive changes start taking place among the children after hearing these sentences every other day. These changes are those unique alterations brought about by the brains of these children without depending upon any external element or medicines. As a result of this, such changes essentially get ingrained in the personality of these children and continue to exist there throughout their lives subsequently.

This technique proves tremendously useful for addressing the problems of not only autism or Speech-delay but it has indeed produced outstanding results to eliminate the frequently noticed troubles evolving out of prevailing lifestyle habits caused by excessive use of mobile phones such as growing tendency of being short-tempered, irritability and stubbornness, lack of social skills, rampant growth in violant quarrells with peers and siblings, inactiveness and inability to adequately concentrate in academic studies etc. It has been disovered that several positive changes such as growth in feeling enthusiastic, liking for sports, values-consious behaviour and good habits can be made possible by using this innovative ‘Sleep-talk’ technique. Moreover, even the parents feel unburdoned from their frustration and guilt emanating from their increasing failure to inculcate good values in the character of their children.

I have always felt that making a right diagnosis of the mind of children is always very difficult and is also an equally sensitive matter. I used to always keep realising this phenomenon frequently while stepping into their emotional sphere and while working for little children over several years till now. But more important aspect of this story is that often the parents are found to be utterly confused as regards this. It is very natural that the parents often feel irritated due to this deadlock when they find themselves stuck with this. But most unfortunate dimension of the story is that a few more years pass while suffering from this blockade and thereafter it becomes too late to realise that bringing about a reduction in the mental ailments and wrong habits of their children is going to be increasingly difficult.

It is precisely due to this reason, I feel, Sleep-talk technique is extremely significant. In fact, we have been noticing that this technique is proving useful and valuable even while addressing the more serious mental troubles like autism suffered by some children. But what is more significant is that the parents of such children took the decision of opting for using this therapy for their children at the right moment of time in the lives of their children.

We have been observing that several positive changes are taking place using this ‘Sleep-talk’ technique in children located not only in metro cities like Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata and even in western developed countries like America. This technique proves useful for children belonging to the age-group of 6 months to 13 years. Of course, it need not be mentioned that, the sooner we begin administering this therapy the better it is, because the process of shaping the future of our children and making them become a well-mannered citizen is going to commence precisely from this age-group itself. That is why, let us make this beginning itself very promising and positive, with the help of the ‘Sleep-talk’ technique.

Author : Ms. Jui Bijapurkar, Unmani Connect
The First Certified ‘Sleep-Talk’ Consultant from India

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