Netflix removed Nayanthara’s Annapoorani from an online platform because allegations were made by Hindu groups that it is a Hindu movie series. A case has been filed against the movie to hurt Hindus. The film hit theaters on 1 December and began streaming on Netflix on 29 December. A week after it was released on OTT, it has got criticism call
Complaint filed against ‘ANNAPOORANI’
‘Annapoorani’ is set as a formidable woman hailing from a Brahmin family dwelling in the conservative city of Srirangam. She is torn between her ardour and the orthodox beliefs that she has been taught, considering the fact that her childhood. In the movie, she does not let her caste and non-secular differences stop her.
The criticism filed with the aid of Ramesh Solanki referred to the film changing to promote ‘love jihad’. However, Nayanthara’s Annapoorani and Jai’s Farhan have a pleasant relationship. Their romantic relationship isn’t always explored within the film.
Who filed a case against Nayanthara’s Annapoorani?
Ramesh Solanki, founder of the Hindu IT cellular, in his complaint, claimed that the movie is ‘offending Hindu non-secular sentiments’. The criticism was filed in opposition to actors Nayanthara, Jai, author-director Nilesh Krishna, producers Jatin Sethi, R Ravindran, and Punit Goenka, Zee Studios Chief Business Officer Shariq Patel, and the pinnacle of Netflix India, Monika Shergill.
Netflix removes Nayanthara’s Annapoorani.
‘Annapoorani’ opened to terrible opinions from critics and audiences alike. The film is directed by debutant filmmaker Nilesh Krishnaa. Apart from Ramesh Solanki, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) spokesperson Shriraj Nair had additionally warned Netflix to take down the film.
He took to X to share a clipping from the movie and wrote, “We are strictly warning you @NetflixIndia to immediately withdraw this evil movie of yours or else be equipped to stand legal effects and @BajrangDalOrg style motion. @ZeeStudios_ (sic).” Following the criminal warfare, Netflix has removed Nayanthara’s ‘Annapoorani’ from the OTT platform. Zee Studios, one of the producers of the film, has written to Vishwa Hindu Parishad stating that the film can be removed from the platform till edited.
Who featured in ‘ANNAPOORANI’
In some other scenes in ‘Annapoorani’, Farhan convinces the heroine to consume meat by explaining that Lord Rama has additionally eaten meat. In the climax, Annapoorani wears a hijab and gives namaz earlier than making biryani within the very last round of a cooking competition. ‘Annapoorani’ features Nayanthara, Sathyaraja, Jai, Achyuth Kumar etc.
Annapoorani, the recent Tamil film headlined via Nayanthara, has been removed from the streaming platform Netflix just weeks after its digital gold standard. This comes after a police complaint was lodged against the actors, makers and the streaming platform for hurting non-secular sentiments of Hindus.
Annapoorani, directed by Nilesh Krishnaa. The titular individual questions this mindset and chooses to make her personal path to the top of the culinary global. The film was launched on 1 December to average reviews and later premiered on Netflix on 29 December.