Politics of hate is taking its toll

ArticlePolitics of hate is taking its toll


Politics of hate is taking its toll

Politics of hate is taking its toll

Ubaiullah Nasir

Ubaiullah Nasir

It is for the first time in the history of independent of India that the nation is being targeted by so many countries. Arab world which has always kept silence on the plight of Muslims considering it as internal matter of India and more so trusting the government that it will do justice with Muslims and protect fundamental rights of Muslims as per its constitution is now up in arms .Many Arab countries have now openly started speaking at the plight of Muslims and demonisation of Islam even organisation of Islamic cooperation has decided to raise the issue at international foras . An American body on religious freedom all over world has put India under observtion  White House had removed President and Prime Minsiter of India from its twitter account .All this is very shameful for the nation of Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru .We were proud of  our legacy of freedom movement  proud of  our secularism and our care for our minorities . We were first to include fundamental human rights in our constitution even before UNO’s human rights charter .But to day we are being isolated in civilised world because of implementation of communal divisive agenda of RSS. A Nazi       Germany like situation is being created for Indian Muslims.

 This all started  mainly with the second term of Modi government  when it enthusiastically started implementing  RSS’s  core agenda .When  Modi ji appointed Amit Shah as his Home Minister replacing comperatively moderate Rajnath Singh it was expected that some harsh decision will be taken . Amit Shah started his inning  by sidelining constitutional provision  and using  majority in Lok sabha as the only tool of governance .His first target was Jammu & Kashmir  article 370 was abrogated arbitrarely as there was no assembly  and governor’s nod was considered as  people’s will .According to our constitution governor is representative of President of India and thus of GOI . For the first time in the history of our democracy governor was considered as representative of the people  and his so called consent which actually was never taken  was considered  sufficient to abrogate the article which till yesterday was considered as a bridge between people of J&K and India .Not only this all the fundamental and constitutional rights of people of J&K  were snatched away and all political leaders including ex chief ministers were arrested under draconian laws .The matter went to supreme court which after about  6 months restord few fundamental rights of  people but  the constitutionality of abrogation of article 370 in most arbitrary manner is still subjudice .It was the first step of Modi government which was not accepted  by international community happily and many countries started raising voice against  this but government of India rejected it terming  it is our internal matter .

Amit Shah did not stopped here he brought  the legislation amending citizenship act under which  religious minorities  excluding Muslims from Bangladesh Pakistan Afghanistan were to be given citizenship of India  because they were allegedly persecuted in their countries  due to other religion. First of all it was open interference in the internal matter  of these countries which is against international law and secondly  it made religion as the ground of citizenship which is against our own constitution.It was to be followed by National population register and national register of citizens .It was a more threat to Muslims  because  if any one fails to prove his citizenship  he could have been given citizenship under CAA but Muslims could be sent to detentions camps . Naturally not only Muslims but all the secular  people were up in arms against this most brazzen and unconstitutional  provision .Protest first started from Assam and then spread to all over India. This time the lead was taken by women mainly Muslims  that too not very educated and progressive but  mostly house wives, semi educated  and aged women .Shahinbagh of  Delhi became the hotspot  and created the history .There was protest in UP too but it was crushed in most brutal manner by Yogi Aditya Nath govt  which gave police an open hand the already communalised police force let loose a reign of terror on protestor terming them as  “Dangai” .Twenty two people mostly young were killed  in a day’s protest  thouands were arrested   under draconian laws . Is not this amazing and shameful that even proper investigation was not ordered for the se killings  what to say of any compensation  .It was one sided police action against Muslims .Chief Minister Yogi Aditynath instead of showing any remorse or sympathy shamelessly said in assembly “Who could save a person who has come to be killed” even British had shown remorse at Jalianwala bagh massacre and General Dyre was court martialed .

Then came Delhi riot it was one sided massacre of Muslims carried out by goons brought from outside Delhi and Delhi police under Home Ministry was silent spectator and at some places even joined the killer gang, and today one sided investigation is being carried out Muslims are being arrested and charge sheeted only a fool  will believe and Delhi police could say that Muslims masterminded the riot so that they could be  killed looted their women are raped and their properties are put to fire.

There is a systematic demonization of Muslims and their religion through mainstream and social media. Electronic media has crossed all the limits of hate mongering .Hate mongers have got open field to polarize the society. God knows what type of nation they want to build. No government worth the name could allow such hate mongering and dividing the society on communal line but this going on un checked in India. We must keep in mind that violation of human rights is no more the internal matter of any country whenever and wherever it is in peril voices will be raised and this is what happening with our country instead of playing volley ball Modi government is well advised to change its track stop polarizing society and perform its rajdharm.  

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